Community Inclusion is the Goal
Explore a variety of different activities and resources in the community
Get Set & Connect Program Services
Get Set & Connect (GSC) is a peer based program for people with lived experience with a mental health and/or addiction concern. Get Set & Connect focuses on enhancing mental health and wellbeing through leisure and or volunteer activities. The goals of the program are community inclusion and building meaningful connections. There are five components of the program:
One to One Leisure and Volunteer Community Access Coaching
Connecting through Peer Led Groups
Independent Leisure
Independent Volunteer Exploration
Group Volunteer Exploration
One to One Leisure and Volunteer Community Access Coaching
- Each person who enters the program will be working one-to-one with a Leisure & Volunteer Access Coach
- Support will be tailored to your individual needs and your self-motivated goals
- Our program gives you the opportunity to create your own individual plan on your hopes and dreams of the program.
- Your coach will work along side you to enhance your mental health and well-being through leisure and/or volunteer opportunities.
Connecting through Peer Led Groups
- Each participant has an opportunity to participate and/or create an activity that suits their interest and learn new skills.
- All peer led groups out in the community and offered virtually on Zoom are run by participants in the program
- Coaches will support individuals by developing relationships with other group members and enhancing social skills by encouraging individuals to be part of the community.
Independent Leisure
- Involves connecting individuals to independent leisure activities in the community such as: music, fitness, arts, and other creative expressions
Independent Volunteer Exploration
- Explore opportunities to volunteer in the community
- Find ways to share your skills and strengths with others
- Work with a coach to complete applications, resumes and prepare for interviews
Group Volunteer Exploration
- Discover your interests, skills and strengths
- Find out what kind of volunteering you might enjoy
- Explore and apply self-care and problem solving techniques
- Build confidence and create a volunteer plan in a group setting