We also have a page for deals and discounts for seniors only!
Official Senior BC website for older adults in the province to find resources for planning and living a healthy active life as they age. Seniors’ families and caregivers will also find a large library of information on subjects like Financial and Health.
For information about government programs and services: Service BC: 1-800-663-7867 Phone (Greater Vancouver): 604-660-2421 Phone (Victoria): 250-387-6121 Toll Free: 1-800-663-7867 Phone (Deaf/hearing impaired [TDD], Toll-Free): 1-800-661-8773 Phone (Deaf/hearing impaired [TDD], Greater Vancouver): 604-775-0303 |
Liberal Arts and 55+ Program
SFU’s Liberal Arts and 55+ Program has been offering intellectually rich non-credit courses to older adult learners since the 1970s. There is a wide range of courses, from art and literature to history, science, philosophy and more.
Program Features:
Contact page Email: [email protected] Phone: 778-782-8000 |
Moves for Mind and Mood
Moves for Mind and Mood offers seniors a gentle program using the following static and dynamic mindfulness practices:
Circle of Friends Brunch
For women 55+!
A place to connect, chat and engage with warm and interesting women. Monthly programs on Sundays, as well as occasional happy hours and brunches around town. Program Coordinator Lisa Cohen Quay
CHANUKAH LUNCHEON Date: Wednesday, December 11 | 11:30 am Klezmer music by Sulam Band Catered kosher lunch: steelhead teriyaki, latkes, veggies, dessert, coffee/tea Cost: $24 Advance ticket purchase required. On sale through Dec 2 or until sold out. Tickets at the JCC Membership Desk. MENORAH STORIES Date: Sunday, December 22 | 1 pm – 2:30pm Bring your menorah and tell us its story, and enjoy latke noshes as we celebrate the Festival of Lights together. |
Elder Care Ambulatory Services
Geriatric Mental Health Care Services:
St. Paul's Hospital Phone: 604-806-9827 Mount St. Joseph Hospital Phone: 604-877-8371 |
Seniors Transportation Shuttle
Shuttle Service for South Vancouver Seniors:
Office location: 6470 Victoria Drive, Vancouver Contact Jeannie Furmanek, Phone: 604-324-6212 Ext. 141 Email: [email protected] |
Better at Home
What is Better at Home?
United Way’s Better at Home program helps BC’s older adults continue living independently in their own homes by providing simple, non-medical home support services. Its unique ‘seniors planning for seniors’ approach means older adults contribute to the design, operation and evaluation of their local program. What services does Better at Home provide? Better at Home services vary from community to community, depending on resources available, community capacity, and the specific needs of local seniors or elders. The Better at Home basket of services includes:
Seniors Outreach Strategy (SOS)
Volunteer-based organization for Seniors 55+, services include:
Carolyn Wong - Seniors Program Lead
SUCCESS Multi-Level Care Society
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Multi-Level Care Society offers five programs in Vancouver and Richmond as well as partners with community organizations to offer Chinese Meals on Wheels services in Vancouver, Richmond, and Burnaby.
The program offers culturally competent services for elderly Chinese speakers. Available service languages are English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. Adult day programs:
QMUNITY Seniors and Older Adults Services
Services for LGBTQ2SAI+ Adults age 55 and over:
Email: [email protected] Phone: 604-684-5307 Ext. 110 |
Frog Hollow - Kin Hon Seniors Group
Cantonese and Mandarin Senior Group Activities:
A lively group of seniors who speak Cantonese and Mandarin meets every Monday. Group activities include tea/coffee and conversation, bingo, arts & crafts, dancing, and other activities. Drop-ins are always welcome. Phone: 604-251-1225 Location: 2131 Renfrew St., Vancouver |
South Van Seniors Hub
The South Vancouver Seniors Hub provides programs and services that are accessible, inclusive, and senior-driven. Its aim is to support active participation in the community, promote independence, and reduce senior isolation.
Programs and Services include:
Contact Michelle for more information, Phone: 604-324-6212 Ext. 158 Email: [email protected] Contact Frank for more information, Phone: 604-324-6212 Ext. 112 Email: [email protected] |
Jewish Seniors Alliance of Greater Vancouver (JSA)
Support for Jewish and non-Jewish Seniors:
Location: 949 West 49th Avenue Phone: 604-732-1555 Peer Counselling: 604-267-1555 |
Choose to move
2024 registration is over, come back in 2025!
Choose to Move is great for anyone age 55 and older that wants to become active, regardless of ability. Work one-on-one with a trained activity coach to create a tailor-made physical activity plan to meet your health and fitness goals. You choose activities that you know you will enjoy and can do! Activities can range from organized fitness classes (e.g., Tai Chi, yoga) to individual activities you do on your schedule (e.g., gardening, walking). Locations: 1. Kerrisdale Community Centre Program start: TBD Phone: (604) 257-8100 ext. 1. or visit here. 2. Robert Lee Family YMCA Program start: TBD To register, Email: [email protected] 3. South Vancouver Neighbourhood House [program delivered in Punjabi] Program start: TBD To register, Email: [email protected] 4. West End Seniors’ Network – Barclay Manor Program schedule: TBD To register, contact Lisa Gosselin Email: [email protected] |
Mount Pleasant Seniors and Older Adults
Provides seniors and older adults aged 55 and up with a variety of services:
Phone: 604-879-8208 |
South Granville Seniors Information and Referral Program
Offers free peer help in both Spanish and English.
Services provided by volunteers with information and referral skills. Offers information and help with filling out applications for various federal and state benefits:
Spanish service available on Wednesdays from 9:30 am to noon Location: 1420 West 12th Avenue Phone: 604-732-0812 |
411 Seniors Information and Referral Services
Services offered to seniors aged 55 and over include assistance with filling out paperwork and information about senior income and other benefits (OAP, GIS, bus passes, SAFER) provided by trained volunteers.
Location: 3502 Fraser St., Vancouver Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm Phone: 604-684-8171 Email: [email protected] |
Community Centre Activities
Community Centres around Vancouver offer a variety of free drop-in, pre-registration, and low-cost activities for seniors. Below is a non-exhaustive list of activities available.
Friday Art Group at Killarney Community Centre
West End Seniors' Network
Kay’s Place offers a safe space where all older adults are welcome. Services include:
Programs include:
Hours: 10 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday Location: 118 - 1030 Denman Street, Vancouver Email: [email protected] Phone: 604-669-7339 |
Neighbourhood Helpers Project - Downtown Eastside
Provides outreach programs for persons living with disabilities who are 50 years of age or older and reside in the Downtown Eastside:
Carries out community development initiatives with the goal of enhancing the standard of living for people staying in hotels in the Downtown Eastside or renting single rooms, with a focus on creating social networks for elderly adults:
Location: 509 East Hastings Street, Vancouver Email: [email protected] Phone: 604-254-2194 |
Seniors First BC
Seniors First BC is a charitable, non-profit society that provides information, legal advocacy, assistance, support, and referrals to seniors across BC who are dealing with issues affecting their well-being, as well as those who care for them. Funded by the British Columbian government, the Law Foundation of BC, and the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA).
Programs include:
toll-free: 1-866-437-1940 Location: 502-1281 West Georgia Street, Vancouver Email: [email protected] |
Arthritis and Wellness Workshops
Various Vancouver Public Library branches offer workshops centered around arthritis and physical wellness. These free workshops are designed for seniors dealing with arthritic pain.
Arthritis and Exercise:
Arthritis and Nutrition:
Arthritis and Nutritional Supplements:
Community Dance Activities
Vancouver's network of community centres provide weekly opportunities for seniors to participate in various dance classes. Individuals can explore, create, and perform dance with other members of their community.
Benefits of Dance:
Current Dance Groups: 1. Collaborative Creative Dance for Older Adults:
2. The Moberly Cultural Senior Dancers:
3. Vancouver Downtown Eastside Elder Dancers:
Everyone Legal Clinic - Low-Cost Legal Services
Email: [email protected] Phone: 778-200-4478 |
Alzheimer Society of B.C. - Minds in Motion
Minds in Motion® is a fitness and social program for people experiencing early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease or another dementia and a friend, family member or care partner.
English: 1-800-936-6033 Cantonese: 1-833-674-5007 |
Board Game Events for Seniors
Community Centres around Vancouver offer drop-in board game events for all interested seniors in the community. Some events feature a set game each week, while others have a rotating game schedule.
Free games events include: Bridge at Roundhouse Community Centre
Social Tuesdays at Trout Lake
Are you looking to get out of the house and socialize with others? Join us on Tuesdays at the Trout Lake Community Centre for activities, snacks, and conversation. Enjoy a new topic/theme each week.
Crisis Lines and Other Care Resources
Fraser Health Senior Services
Fraser Home Health Service Line:
Phone: 1-855-421-2121 Hours: Open 7 days a week, 8:30 am - 9 pm Services include:
Fraser Health Crisis Line:
Peer Support Beyond Vancouver
Lower Mainland
Seniors Peer Counselling of BC
COVID-19: BC Expands 211 Hotline to Pair Seniors with Volunteers
You can now call 2-1-1 or visit the bc211 site if you are a senior in need, or if you would like to volunteer with a senior in your community to check in on them or help pick-up groceries/prescriptions. The helpline takes calls 7 days/week, 24 hours/day, to help keep seniors safe. To read more on what extra measures the BC Government is doing to help seniors and bolster seniors’ supports at community service agencies in the province click here. |
Seniors Distress Line 24/7 - Crisis Centre
Professionally trained volunteers can provide free, confidential, non-judgmental, emotional support if you are experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Phone: (604) 872-1234, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week |
Older Adult Mental Health Program
Older adult mental health programs provide mental health services to senior clients with cognitive decline due to aging-related conditions.
Older adult mental health programs serve adults aged 65 and over living in the Vancouver Coastal Health region.Offers specialized services for older adults including mental health outreach, assessment and consultation, treatment, case management, and education. Also provides a rehabilitation program offering individual occupational therapy assessments, psychosocial day program, peer support, and group programs. Phone: (604) 709-6785 Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 4 pm |
Kitsilano: Better at Home
Better at Home is a program that helps seniors with simple non-medical, day-to-day tasks so that they can continue to live independently in their own homes, and remain connected to their communities. The Government of British Columbia funds the program, while the United Way of the Lower Mainland manages it.
Services include:
Email: [email protected] Phone: 604-736-3588 ext. 131 Sandra, Better at Home Seniors Program Assistant: Email: [email protected] Phone: 604-736-3588 ext. 132 Information & Referral Volunteers: Email: [email protected] Phone: 604-736-3588 ext. 604 |
Other Resources for Seniors:
South Vancouver - Basic Computer Training
Classes are led by volunteer trainers, and are typically 3 sessions.
Basic computer skills for adults and seniors:
Times: Wednesdays at 9:30 am to 11:30 am Wednesdays at 4 pm to 6 pm Fridays at 9:30 am to 11:30 am Fridays at 5 pm to 7 pm Location: South Vancouver Neighbourhood House - Meeting Room Cost: $10/course, SVNH membership required which costs $4 for a year] Contact Kwang Young, Email: [email protected] |
Computer and Technology Training - Vancouver Public Library
Various Vancouver Public Library branches offer free computer and technology workshops and one-on-one assistance for seniors around Vancouver. Visit the website for more details and dates.
Available services include: